About Cosmodog

This game was designed and implemented by Anton Afanasjew, a german located developer. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback. Please let me know your opinion about the game at feedback@cosmodog.eu.

As a non-native English speaker, I am very interested in all mistakes in the game's texts. Send your remarks and I will incorporate them in the game.

The credit goes to the great frameworks, tools and libraries that were used in the development process of the game.

Java platform

Apache Commons framework

Guava framework

Slick2D - 2D Java Game Library

Tiled Map editor

Pyxel Edit: pixel art and tileset creation tool

This game uses the music from Exploration Game Music Pack by wowsoundsg and sound samples from Freesound.org and http://www.superflashbros.net/as3sfxr/.

Additionally, it features graphics from the packs Pak weapons, Premium Quality - Royalty Free Guns and Game User Interface 3 as licensed from GameDev Market

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